Wednesday 26 March 2014

Commentary Number Three: Transformers - Dark of the Moon

Choose an image from a movie or TV program from the lists below. Write a commentary on any ONE aspect of either narrative OR mise en scene in terms of its importance to storytelling. 

This image represents the “all is lost” moment within the film, primarily with the use of the mise en scene techniques of lighting and colour. The exemption of colour from this shot and the use of shades of black, grey and white signal that the story has taken a bad turn. Evil has captured the destroyed city of Chicago, with the dark lighting of the scene enabling the premise of evil being present. The overall lighting of the scene is primarily dark; however the backgrounded sky suggests daytime, which accentuates the bleakness of the story at this point.

Back lighting is formed by the sky over the city which is in bright contrast to the rest of the image. This technique allows for a granule of hope to remain and further the storyline as light in a dark setting is associated with a fast approaching positive outcome. In addition to this, the bleak and monotonous setting, which is unlike any previous shots throughout the film, conveys most clearly that this point is the lowest of the film.  This serves as the catalyst for the heroes of the story to take action against the evil that occupies the city and extend the light hovering on the horizon.

Commentary Number Two: Iron Man

Choose an image from a movie or TV program from the lists below. Using this image, analyse/discuss the mise en scene and camera techniques on display, and what this image tells us about character and story.

Stark, in this image is clad in his own design experimental “iron man” suit, created by the expensive materials of Stark Industries. This piece of costuming represents Stark’s affluence, genius and ingenuity within the film. Stark’s richness and brilliance in engineering is reinforced by the various props placed within the scene. The props include his four high performance sports cars and the tables overflowing with new age technologies created by himself. The positioning of props creates a comparison between Stark’s playboy image with his luxury cars on screen left and his serious engineering life on screen right with the tools and materials.

The extreme wide shot allows for most of the garage to be shown creating the enormity of the scene and re-emphasising Stark’s wealth. This shot also portrays Stark as small and insignificant which is metaphoric of the situation he has found himself in within the overarching storyline. Although Stark is centred within the shot he blends in with his surroundings, giving the sense that he and technology are a singular being, which consequently is the idea for the iron man suit. The darker tones and low key lighting are used to give a mysterious effect which underpins the idea of him hiding the “iron man” project from everyone.

Commentary Number One - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Choose a scene from a movie and discuss the importance of this scene in terms of how it develops character and propels the movie’s storyline.

Bilbo, in the initial stages of the film, is presented as a content hobbit with no intention of partaking in adventures outside of his home. With the introduction of the thirteen dwarves and a wizard to his household, Bilbo is confronted with the choice to continue his picturesque life or embark on a deadly adventure. Although reluctant at first, Bilbo joins the company of Thorin Oakenshield and thus is the catalyst for the journey to Erebor to begin. Bilbo’s leaving of the Shire propels the narrative forward as the characters are enabled by Bilbo’s presence to embark on their ultimate goal to defeat the beast Smaug who hides in The Lonely Mountain.

This is the first step in Bilbo’s character arc as even though he is fearful of change he is willing to embark on this adventure knowing change is inevitable. His reclusive behaviour is immediately replaced with a newfound sense of adventure and a seedling of much needed courage. Most importantly his selfish mannerisms displayed initially, undergo the beginning of Bilbo’s most noticeable change throughout the film as he commits his first selfless act in joining the Company. This scene reflects Bilbo’s first step in his growth to being selfless and courageous as well as rekindling his adventurous spirit.